I'll help you invest, so you can focus on your purpose full-time.

Mark R. Mogensen,
Creator of Zeninvest.co
my free Investing classes

Here's what I know about

Digital assets

What are digital assets? Why do they matter? How might they change the fundamental fabric of "trust" between people.

Mindfulness in Investing

Learn how to navigate your emotions while trading and investing by using meditation, affirmations, binaural beats and more.

Passive Income Strategies

Your investments can increase in value through price gains, but did you know that you can get paid by lending your investments out to third parties?

Sustainable Investing

When the world is out of balance it affects us all. Sustainable Investing is a way of investing which aims to bring the world & ourselves into balance.

"plant a seed.
water it.
watch it grow."

Mark Reinholdt Mogensen
A plant sprouting from sand

Something for you to read

Below you'll find blogposts about important aspects when investing

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free class.

Sharing is caring. I've spent time and energy to learn about investing. Now I'm giving you the distilled knowledge so you can start investing while being in an empowered state.

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"I give you the tools to invest in markets and create a foundation”

A plant sprouting from sand